The Aims, Goals & Objectives
of Poole Flying Boats Celebration (UK Charity No.1123274) in spotlighting the Era of Flying Boats (Civil & Military) and Seaplanes associated with Poole.
A 0.1
Progress our public-access Archive so that it becomes a comprehensive collection of important information.
A 0.2
Reach out to those many families who were involved in this fascinating period during Poole’s rich history.
A 0.3
Identify, and share experiences with those who remember & recount the significant part that Poole played with inclusion of other organisations, researchers & authors, historians, and Flying Boat enthusiasts etc.
A 0.4
Place Poole as a Flying Boat Hub within a worldwide perspective, so that links can be formed accordingly.
A 0.5
Develop reciprocal arrangements with other Charities & Organisations involved with the History of Poole; with the History of Flying Boats both civil & military, and Seaplanes (extending to global perspectives); in researching the interface with Social & Transport History of this era relevant to the PFBC Archives; and in promoting Tourism locally!
A 0.6
Engage with others through PFBC’s very wide range of displays, presentations, materials as an Educational Resource, forum and website, press releases, articles, occasional PFBC publications, and other such items.
A 0.7
Give priority to the expansion of PFBC’s focus upon the range of local Schools, the Colleges & University, with the development of Educational Resources to further the provision of support for the pupils therein, as well as other sectors of society which feature in Community-based Further Education including U3A.
A 0.8
Promote the Friends of PFBC Library Collection (comprising books, booklets, articles and other materials) so that this is a significant resource bank with readiness of public-access, to encourage study & research.
A 0.9
Present the arrangement and the operation of the PFBC Office at Ashley Cross as a Community Focal Point to readily engage with those who express an interest in (and support for), what we are aiming to achieve.
A 1.0
Arrange and promote Celebrations / Events which are meaningful to the Aims, Goals & Objectives of PFBC, and which are intrinsic to our charitable remit, in order to raise the public-profile & awareness of PFBC, alongside the spotlighting of the media & general public attention on the historical significance of these!
In 2006 a group of Friends in S. Poole formed the basis of ‘Poole Flying Boats’ to which ‘Celebration’ was soon added…
Ken Sanson became Chair of our Organisation as Commodore PFBC and a Trustee; Harry Alexander Vice Commodore; with the other Founding Trustees being Adrian Borrill & Peter Steer…and also Aimée as the Archivist. Bertie Bowman opted to become a Trustee when time permitted. The Trustees immediately recruited local aviation author Leslie Dawson in the role of advisor & historian, and Capt. Bob Harwood (ex-BOAC) featured as our first PFBC Honorary Life Member: Like many of the Flying Boat Captains, Bob & his wife Audrey had chosen to make their home in the Lilliput area of Poole close to Salterns which had been BOAC’s Marine Terminal, and also the Royal Motor Yacht Club (Enchantress) formerly the Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS Sandbanks) as HMS Daedalus II, to enjoy the delights of sailing within Poole Harbour.
In due course with PFBC growing very quickly in scope and membership an Hon. President was appointed – Jack Harris a flying enthusiast & avid collector aviation books and memorabilia, and volunteer on Southern Cross at Poole in 1976… Harry H. Pusey later took over as Senior Hon. Life Member, and Ian Andrews became the representative of PFBC HLMs. Harry had been at Poole with IAL ~ Traffic Manager, also i/c of Lisbon & Foynes, and later a renown global Consultant. Leslie Dawson became an Hon. Vice President, and Capt. James Peers (ex-Poole & Durban) our Hon. Commodore, Air.
In turn, Jeremy Waters became our next President, and David Mauleverer (ex-Master of GAPAN) Hon. Commodore, Air. The mantle of Snr. HLM passed to Vic Pitcher – Navigator BOAC Boeing 314As, + Head of the Int. Guild of Navigators.
In determining our Objects, PFBC worked with The Charity Commissioners, so that in March 2008 agreement had been reached that these provided a principal statement of Object as specification of Charitable purpose, to confirm our status:
A 2.0
“To advance the Education of the public in the awareness of the History of the Flying Boat services (both civil and military), together with the Seaplanes, based in Poole to the allied armed forces and to UK civil aviation during and after the Second World War, in particular but not exclusively by the establishment & maintenance of a public archive and by staging occasional commemorative events…”
(UK Charity No.1123274)